Turbocompressors market size
During coming years, the number of engines with turbocompressors will also continuously grow because in fact it is the easiest and cheapest way to raise engine power for 10... 20% and reduce fuel consumption for the same percentages.

Over the years, we have observed hundreds of companies that have starter turbine repair services. We studied with them in the same way as they with us. Very often we "walked" nearby and recorded both luck and mistakes. We have accumulated vast experience and are ready to share it. Summarizing this experience, we can safely say that all successful companies in this area are very similar to each other. And all unsuccessful are unsuccessful for various reasons.
We can confidently show you a quick and direct path to success in this area. We passed it ourselves. We ourselves successfully repair turbines using our own equipment, and we ourselves apply the skills that we teach other people.
There are companies on the market that produce - sell balancing machines - but they themselves have never worked on them and do not even guess about their shortcomings. There are companies on the market that sell spare parts to turbines, but often do not know anything about these parts because they have never checked them. They did not check the conformity of spare parts geometric dimensions, did not install them in turbocompressors and do not have experience in repair using these spare parts.
Almost everyone who fixes something has something to learn from. Each of these people, in some way, changes the technology, finds their own technical solutions, they will be with you if you take up this business. However, at the beginning of the journey, there is no point in inventing the "wheel." It's invented before you. We will just help you to go the initial path, which we went for several years, in a few months.
We do not sell the franchise and do not "tie" to ourselves forever (although we understand that this would increase our revenues). This is due to the fact that we cooperate with a large number of enterprises in the market, which need only our equipment because they have gone the rest of the way and simply do not need our training, spare parts, etc.
You can only buy what you need from the list below. We do not impose additional services. We try to show an individual approach and give everyone what he needs
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