Repair and Modernization

We carry out repair and modernization of various balancing machines of any manufacturer, of all types and systems according to the technical requirements of the customer.


VTM Group offers to upgrade balancing machines of most well-known manufacturers with load capacities from 10 kg to 40 tons.

  • Financial investment is 2-3 times less compared to buying a new one
  • Work can be carried out within 2-3 days at the customer's premises
  • Accuracy characteristics are fully compliant with modern requirements
  • We rebuild balancing machines from most manufacturers of any year of manufacture



Main works carried out during modernization of balancing machines

1. Replacement of the balancing system

Installation of a new measuring system

The installation of modern balancing instruments will improve the quality of balancing. The device is designed and manufactured specifically for use in balancing machines of most existing designs. Accuracy characteristics of the machines after modernization meet the requirements of GOST 20076-2007 and ISO 21940 standard. Easy setup and operation do not require special theoretical knowledge, which allows to master the work on the modernized balancing machine in the shortest possible time.
Balancing system PB-02M Full functionality for a variety of balancing tasks. Very reliable, heavy duty system with LCD display and membrane keypad.
Balancing system PAK-1 Innovative balancing system with a wide range of software-implemented functions based on an industrial PC with touch screen monitor.

Installation of new sensors and amplifiers

Allows to replace failed or missing vibration sensors, guarantees reliability and long-term stability of parameters.

2. Installation of new electrical equipment

Infinitely variable speed control, improving the reliability and user-friendliness of the machine, improving safety. The installation of modern electrical equipment leads to simplified design, increased reliability and user-friendliness of the machine, as well as increased machine safety. Installation is done comprehensively and includes:
  • installation of new asynchronous electric motors;
  • manufacture and installation of a new electric drive based on a frequency converter with vector control;
  • manufacture of a new control panel and machine control systems.

3. Interchangeable cassettes for rotors of different weights with different roller widths

The use of self-aligning roller cassettes with cylindrical hardened rollers will eliminate the possibility of "knurling" marks on the mounting (bearing) journals with low hardness at high rotor mass.

4. Fabrication of belt drive part for axial drive machine tools

The belt drive of the machine provides versatility of the machine, eliminates the influence of the drive on the results of rotor balancing.

5. Fabrication of axial drive part for belt-driven machine tools

Axial drive of part rotation allows balancing on the machine of rotors with significant aerodynamic resistances, or with design features that do not allow the use of belt drive.

6. Supplemented with electric jacks for shockless rotor installation

The jacks for smooth installation and removal of the rotor from the supports, providing protection of the machine mechanisms from rotor shocks, create convenience and safety in the process of work. Can be removed when balancing small rotors.

7. We manufacture height-adjustable self-aligning roller cassettes

We install a lever suspension with bearing joints with a low natural resonance frequency, which guarantees the stability and durability of the machine. If necessary, it is possible to increase the load capacity of the machine. The mechanism of suspension fixation during rotor acceleration and braking, makes it possible to balance rotors with significant initial unbalance.

8. Supplemented with universal end stops

For belt-driven applications, it is necessary to use "axial stops" to prevent the rotor from moving axially. Axial stops increase the safety of balancing and do not affect accuracy.

9. Installing the new hydraulic system

It includes replacement of all piping and installation of a new small station with modern hydraulic devices, which increases maintainability and facilitates maintenance of the machine.

10. Install the protective covers for the movable actuator elements

Manufacturing of protective fence will increase the safety of machine operation, will allow to bring the technical condition of the equipment in compliance with the safety requirements in force at the enterprise. It is possible to produce fencing of different classes or their combination: fencing of the machine working area preventing access of unauthorized persons to the danger zone and protecting from contact with moving parts of the machine or rotor, or protective cover providing protection from detached correction weights or parts of the rotating rotor.

11. Manufacturing of special tooling for balancing machines

The balancing machine can be optionally equipped:
  • Special mandrels for balancing parts that do not have their own bearing surfaces (disks, fans, pumps).
  • Interchangeable prismatic supports allowing the rotors to be balanced in their own bearings.
  • Unbalance correction module - drilling, milling or welding module - depending on the processability of the part and balancing requirements.

Improve the accuracy and reliability of your balancing machine by upgrading key components.

We can always offer a cost-effective option for repairing your balancing machine
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